Ambassadori Kachreti
Enjoy the best of Kakhuri cuisine at the restaurant decorated with traditional Georgian pottery, paintings and stone designs— or step outside and enjoy the food, wine, cocktails or coffee at the Deck, in front of the restaurant or next to the pool.
Ambassadori in Kachreti is abundant in recreational activities— have a fun game of mini-golf, or an energetic round of tennis, play the world’s favorites basketball or football (soccer), drive four-wheelers, learn the basics of professional golf or go inside for billiard, table tennis (ping pong), chess, checkers and backgammon.
Luxury, comfort and entertainment… Make your leisure memorable at Ambassadori Hotel in Kachreti.

Ambassadori Hotel in village Kachreti is located in historical region of Georgia – Kakheti. This is the one and only resorts, which is the nearest one to the capital city from the east. This part of Georgia is famous for its wine making history throughout the centuries.
History of Ambassadori Kachreti begins with wine production.
On the present territory the resort, which included hectares of vineyards, previously was located wine factory of Keburia family; they produced several kinds of red and white wines with high quality only for import. Winemakers and businessmen from foreign countries often visited the factory. After degustation of wine they often stayed for a night in the guest house on the territory, which consisted of only 10 rooms for that time.
Number of visits of the guests gradually became more frequent, which made it necessary to increase number of guest rooms. Step by step new rooms were added, New buildings were built on the territory and Ambasadori Kachreti turned into a resort complex with 182 rooms, open and closed pools, Olympic pool, tennis courts and sport stadiums.
Ambassadori Kachreti has two buildings one is historical part of the hotel with 76 rooms and modern designed new building with 106 different type of rooms.
Although, this was not enough for the owner and decided to invest money in the field of business that did not existed in Georgia. He purchased a land of 25 hectares around the nearby area and built a professional golf course, which is the one and only in Georgia.
Nowadays many foreign diplomats and businessmen visit the resort, international tournaments and master classes are held.
Ambassadori Kachreti is high class resort, where you can rest according to European standards within Georgian environment.